Commercial Electrical Services

Improve Your Business Facility's Electrical Infrastructure

Partner with a leading commercial electrician in Evansville, IN



Running your own business is hard enough on its own. The last thing you need to worry about is a surprise electrical outage or issue. Save yourself the stress and hire an experienced commercial electrician at Oxbow Electric, LLC in Evansville, IN. Whether you need a new installation or an old electrical system repaired, we can handle it all with ease.


Our Services Include:

  • Building or moving to a new facility requires precise electrical expertise. With Oxbow, you don’t need to worry about making sure your new electrical infrastructure works for your needs.

  • Considering upgrading your existing electrical infrastructure? We can handle your electrical retrofits, remodeling, and upgrade needs.

  • Save money on your utility bills and reduce overhead costs by upgrading your existing halogen, incandescent, and fluorescent lighting to LED options.

  • Redefine preventative maintenance and keep scheduled repairs on track with our ongoing maintenance and repair services.

  • Emergencies usually happen when it’s least convenient. Now, you can rest assured with our guaranteed 24-hour emergency assistance program.

  • Keeping things well lit helps keep you, your facility, and your team safe. Ask us about new or upgraded security lighting solutions for your facility.


What are the benefits of an electrical remodel?


If you purchased an older warehouse or office, your space could be hiding wires and outlets that are decades behind. As your business grows, consider getting an electrical remodel. By updating your system, you can lower energy costs, avoid shocks and fires and future-proof your property. We can rewire your entire space, install new energy-efficient LEDs and upgrade outlets at an affordable price.

To learn more about our electrical remodel services, reach out to a member of our team today.